Emotional Intelligence: A Hidden Key to Future Career and Workplace Success

4 min readJun 30, 2019

At the beginning of the 1900-century machines replaced our muscles. Today we are progressively building AI that will lead to displacement for some in the job market. But it will be much harder for AI to fully replace humans, especially when it comes to Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear emotional intelligence? It’s not so hard to guess, because we all think intelligence is captured by one’s ability to retain information and use it in a required situation. As much as that is the case, there is also an essential part of intelligence we all forget to pay attention to, and that is Emotional Intelligence, which will help us continue to be significant in the future job market.


The term Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is very detailed and has been defined by many sources. But the best way to describe it would be the ability for one to observe, recognize and understand his emotions, as well as that of others, in order to be able to separate different emotions, and tag them correctly so that you can use this emotional information to decide right and positively influence the choices of others.

Before now, the measure of intelligence used to be strictly dependent on your Intelligent Quotient (IQ). Even if several candidates put up an application for a job at a firm, most of them were likely to be tested based on IQ alone, and the one with the highest gets the Job. I’m not disputing the fact that having a very high IQ separates you from every other person, and has its astounding qualities. IQ can get you in, but EQ will keep you and get you reaching places you would never have thought.

IQ can get you in, but EQ will keep you and get you reaching places you would never have thought.


According to research, engineers have a “not-so-impressive” empathy. They have the IQ, but they don’t just know how to be sensitive to the experiences of others. This goes to prove that as much as we all believe in having a good IQ, it doesn’t automatically convert itself to success in your career. Remember, engineers design and programming AI and robots that will interact with humans in daily life. They need to decide ethical questions and must include it in the code. Emotional Intelligence plays a key role here.

As an Employer, the way forward is to make sure you have the right set of minds working with you in order to achieve great things. IQ is important, but having a set of staffs who have an excellent EQ would pave the way for innovation, creativity, and groundbreaking creations in your business.

The faster every business model, every employer, and every company start to realize the need for Emotional Intelligence amongst their workers, the better and higher the grounds they can reach. Employers who have had a great hold of this subject are already making emotional intelligence the soft skill they really need in their company. On Airjobb, every talent will have access to powerful tools to take their EQ to the next level.


The first and most fundamental way of improving your emotional intelligence is to know the elements upon which EQ lie. There are five elements that your emotional intelligence should be built on. Understanding all five will give you a considerable boost in improving your emotional quotient.

Here is a list of the five elements:

  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social skill
  • Self-regulation
  • Self-awareness

These foundations will gear you to the next level of understanding, and how to become better. If you want to learn more about these elements you can click here.

In today’s world, you will discover that emotional intelligence is just as important as your IQ, but with the way things are going EQ will become even more critical.

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